Hans Olav Brenner

In any company, the main secret object is the legal department. Only a select few know about its work, so ordinary people often have to be content with the information presented in books and films. We will discuss why lawyers hide a lot from the public, what they do, and how they use the possibilities of jurisprudence with the Chief Legal Officer of TechBerry, Mr. Hans Olav Brenner.

– Hello, Mr Brenner. Just want to ask a question that worries many. Tell me, are all the jokes we know about lawyers accurate or blatant slander against representatives of this profession?

Most of the time, they are all true. Seriously speaking, lawyers should be treated differently. We have unique and incomparable work, because of which there is a specific professional transformation of the individual.

– It needs to be clarified what you want to say. Can you explain?

– First, it is essential to understand that any profession has its characteristics. They affect a person and become an integral part of his life. If we consider jurisprudence specifically, then in our case, such influence is quite unusual, and the effect of it is noticeable to everyone who is not associated with this profession.

My teacher had a favorite saying that jurisprudence is a parasite on various personality flaws. It is valid for all representatives of our direction. Each option will have its own set of sins you must put up with or look for yourself outside of jurisprudence.

– For me, the major sins are envy and greed. It is with them that our department has to fight. The fact is that all TechBerry products are unique. Because of this, our developments become the main object of hunting for competitors driven by the same greed and envy. We must be prepared for various attacks and try to predict them in advance. To do this, our specialists create practical protection algorithms and monitor the situation around the company around the clock.

– All this is quite interesting.

– For me, it is less attractive than crucial. Our work has little romance, so we are forced to study regulatory documents daily, study a lot and try to develop our skills. At the same time, it is essential to remember that TechBerry is represented on all continents. This results in dozens of differences in legislation, each of which needs to be adjusted to the company’s work. All this can make your head spin. Despite this, someone has to perform such complex tasks.

Now it has become not so much interesting as intriguing.

– Maybe. The work we do could be more attractive to everyone. However, this was greatly influenced by my personality’s previous professional transformation. Our specialists are present wherever there are references to laws and regulations. We are actively interacting with all departments of the company and various administrative bodies, developing documentation and drawing certain conclusions.

– Incredible. This is a very responsible job; sometimes, it can be called attractive.

– I agree with your first statement and object to the second. For example, let me give you a “Labor Day” at a school I was invited to. My son’s classmates listened with great interest to the stories of firefighters and doctors and paid little attention to the lawyer in my person.

– What is your primary professional goal, and at what stage of its achievement are you?

– To be honest, I have already achieved my professional goal. I work for TechBerry, which is the undisputed leader in its industry. At the same time, I understand that our direction still needs to be better studied by lawyers. Because of this, much difficult work lies ahead for me and my colleagues. We must adapt the company’s activities to the new requirements and legislation.

– And what, now, there are no laws regulating the work of your industry?

– Of course, there is. To understand my thoughts, you need to know that jurisprudence is the most challenging field of activity. In some countries, people continue to use laws written hundreds or thousands of years ago, while in others, they annually make various changes and adapt legislation to modern realities. Now we live in the age of technology, and their development often outstrips the possibilities of jurisprudence. Therefore, we must constantly look for common ground and find a way out of this situation.

– I know that you are passionate about digital technologies. Are they the only thing that interests you, or is there something else?

– I am fond of not only digital technologies. In every period of my life, I have new values that change me as a person. In more detail, I want to mention such broad topics as the ownership of various digital solutions and their derivatives in finance. Naturally, the authors of the laws follow the ongoing processes and react to them. However, this reaction is often delayed. In this regard, it is essential to always stay at the top of development. This will provide an opportunity to understand the present better and be prepared for the inevitable future. This approach will allow us to develop the game’s rules ourselves, turning the market into the most transparent and equal system for all.

– Everything you said applies only to the sphere of interests of the company?

– Right. I think about TechBerry 24 hours a day. Its interests will always come first for me, and I do not consider any alternatives. I am impressed by the TechBerry philosophy, approach to work, and built company structure. We will face many challenges that will allow me to realize my full potential and demonstrate my professional abilities.

– You indirectly touched upon the future of TechBerry. Can you reveal some secrets and tell us about the company’s plans?

I don’t have to comment on this, sorry. I am sure the company will develop even faster and actively work to improve its products. They are very high quality, so they deserve the attention of beginners and professionals. I will also add that the chosen development direction coincides with my vision of the situation. Therefore, in any such matters, I will support our leadership.

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