WanSwap Decentralized Exchange Review

WanSwap Decentralized Exchange

WanSwap is a decentralized exchange and Automated Market Maker (AMM) that’s part of a new ecosystem that allows for trading, compounding and yield farming. The system is based on Wanchain. Wanchain provides crypto users with blockchain adoption through cross chain. It has decentralized direct bridges that connect various blockchain networks.

WanSwap overview

WanSwap creates a wrapped token for each pair. We can swap for BTC using their native wanBTC, which maintains its value with the underlying original BTC. To assist people who want to convert the wrapped tokens back into the pegged original ones, users can head over to their Storeman Node based bridges.

How does WanSwap work?

It’s the right time to discuss details, features, and possibilities of using the exchange to swap our tokens.

  • WanSwap service provides us with swapping possibilities for everyone who has a wallet.
  • We can provide liquidity to get up to 0.3% of the trading commissions.
  • So, we have a share that varies depending on our contribution to the pool. 
  • Depositing tokens provided with WSLP tokens.
  • After withdrawing the will convert in our tokens.
  • We can provide liquidity for specific cross pairs.
  • There’s a possibility of a dual-farming reward. So, we can earn ZOO tokens as rewards.
  • We can stake our WASP token to earn WAN.
  • There’s a government that allows us to vote for decisions.
  • The Cross Chain allows using other tokens either.
  • We can borrow balance or even lend it out with higher income for lenders and a much lower interest for borrowers.
  • There are no KYC and AML requirements and privacy is kept to a maximum level.
  • WanSwap uses pros of Wanchain’s cross-chain features in order to power trading between assets from multiple blockchains using Wanchain’s cross-chain wanTokens including: wanEOS, wanETH, a growing list of wanERC20 tokens, wanBTC and with more chains and assets soon to be added soon after the launch of Wanchain 5.0.
  • The basic trading functionality of WanSwap comes directly from the Uniswap codebase.
  • The platform supports various wrapped technologies.
  • This means that we could for example send your ETH over to Wanchain as wanETH, trade our wanETH for wanBTC on WanSwap, and then we can withdraw our wanBTC to our own wallet address on Bitcoin using the Storeman bridge. 
  • WanSwap was initiated by a small anonymous group. So, this doesn’t increase a level of trust. Hackers are also small anonymous groups.
  • WanSwap allows us to trade: wanBTC-WAN, wanETH-WAN, wanEOS-WAN, wanUSDT-WAN, wanUSDC-WAN, FNX-WAN and more.

What can you buy on WanSwap?

  • We can purchase WASP and ZOO tokens.
  • It’s possible to swap various tokens within the platform functionality.

Is WanSwap safe?

We can’t claim this for sure. Most likely, the platform looks secure.

WanSwap fees, compatible wallets, and transactions  

  • There’s 0.3% commissions for swapping tokens.
  • We can connect our wallet: WanMask, MetaMask, and WalletConnect.
  • The system supports quick transactions.

What are the ways to trade on WanSwap?

We can work with those tokens within the platform functionality without any restriction.

Customer support

The developers provide us with support within Telegram and Email.

Should you buy a WanSwap token?

WanSwap summary

WanSwap summary
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WanSwap provides us with Automated Market Maker (AMM) trading features. So, everything we need is just to connect a wallet and start swapping tokens. The platform works on Wanchain. It allows us to swap, stake, and deposit our tokens. We can join a government to influence decisions it makes.
WanSwap provides us with Automated Market Maker (AMM) trading features. So, everything we need is just to connect a wallet and start swapping tokens. The platform works on Wanchain. It allows us to swap, stake, and deposit our tokens. We can join a government to influence decisions it makes.


  • Native tokens provided
  • The platform looks secure


  • No team revealed
  • No risks of using the platform explained
  • No people’s testimonials provided
  • The data about tokenomic isn’t clear
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