PuddingSwap is a decentralized exchange that allows us to swap tokens with low fees and do it without significant slippages. The service was created in 2021. We don’t know details about the legal registration and developers behind it.
PuddingSwap overview
We have much useful information provided in documentation. It was systemized in the following list for your comfort.
- The exchange works on a Hoo Smart Chain.
- It’s a quick and affordable to work platform.
- We can swap tokens without registration.
- The platform provides us trading with lower commissions than on Ethereum.
- We are allowed to work directly from our app.
- We can trade and earn PUD tokens.
- It’s possible to stake tokens to get even more of them as rewards.
- The system allows us to earn PUD tokens in the yield farming.
- We have to join any of the dual pairs to start earning.
- We can swap any ORC20 tokens.
- When we add liquidity we can receive pool tokens.
- We can stack PUD to receive ePUD tokens.
- The system sells NFT tokens that are needed for making Easter egg pudding and other meals.
- Ingredients are produced from the ePUD pool.
How does PuddingSwap work?
- We can trade ORC tokens freely.
- There are possibilities to stack PUD tokes to get more rewards.
- We can join liquidity pools to provide liquidity to get more dual tokens as rewards.
What can you buy on PuddingSwap?
- There are tokens as PUD to provide liquidity.
- It was deployed on the Hoo Smart Chain.
- We can stake LP tokens and earn PUD.
- Iit’s also possible to stake PUD tokens and earn free tokens.
Is PuddingSwap safe?
The platform looks secure. We can work with it directly from our wallet.
PuddingSwap fees, compatible wallets, and transactions
- The developers charge 0.25% fees for transactions.
- Only 0.15 goes to liquidity pools.
- 0.05% goes to treasure and the same amount is burnt.
- We can work, using the MetaMask wallet.
What are the ways to trade on PuddingSwap?
We can swap tokens, deposit them, or stake and deposit to liquidity pools.
Customer support
The owners provide us with email support. We should expect to get our questions answered within several hours.
Should you buy a PuddingSwap token?
PuddingSwap summary
PuddingSwap summary
PuddingSwap is an exchange that works based on Hoo Smart Chain. The documentations include various information about the system and how we can work with it. The service has its own PUD tokens to invest and get more of them as rewards. The share between the service and liquidity pool providers are not in the LP favore.
PuddingSwap is an exchange that works based on Hoo Smart Chain. The documentations include various information about the system and how we can work with it. The service has its own PUD tokens to invest and get more of them as rewards. The share between the service and liquidity pool providers are not in the LP favore.
- Standardized commissions
- A native token to work with
- We can join LP to get more rewards
- No team revealed
- No risks mentioned
- No developers team revealed
- Decreased rewards for LP providers