TronTrade Decentralized Exchange Review

TronTrade Decentralized Exchange

TronTrade is a decentralized exchange that is based on the Tron blockchain. The platform provides us with a standard pack of services like swapping, trading, staking, providing liquidity, and so on. The site looks well-designed and informative. There’s no data about the launch date, but their Twitter account was created in December 2018. We don’t know what country they are from. 

TronTrade overview

TronTrade Decentralized Exchange

Let’s overview the platform, underlining the most important intel.

  • TronTrade is a decentralized exchange where we can buy and sell various TRC10 and TRC20 coins.
  • We can get safe and secure trading experience.
  • There’s welcome 24/7 support applied.
  • The owners focus on forming a strong community of followers.
  • We may work with the platform without a need of registration.
  • Everything we need is a wallet that the system supports.
  • They don’t store any of our data.
  • We can follow guides about how to get started for a better experience.
  • It doesn’t charge us if we cancel or fail an order.
  • For every order we have to pay TRON blockchain commissions.
  • Every order on triggers a smart contract. 
  • The platform should freeze TRX to cover the energy fees.
  • If we have the TRON bandwidth, we can perform transactions on the TRON mainnet without paying any gas fees. 
  • If we don’t have enough energy or TRX to fill the order, the order will fail after consuming the available energy and TRX. 
  • If we want to cancel an order, we need to make sure that we have enough energy/bandwidth or TRX to pay the TRON network fees. 
  • We can even not get our tokens back within 12 hours or so.
  • There’s a push-notifications possibility via Telegram.
  • The user interface is welcome and helps us to trade.
  • We can check the data about pairs like Last Price, 24H High, 24H Low, 24H Change, 24H Volume, and TRX 24H Volume. The list of them includes DICE/TRX, KFI/TRX, DEC/TRX, TERCPRO/TRX, 888/TRX, LIVE/TRX, BTZC/TRX, USDT/TRX, and others.
  • There are various trading championships. The last one was a 15 Million NoleWater trading event to celebrate the BETA launch of theNoleLegends MMO DApp. 
  • The rewards were 15M AMSK tokens.

How does TronTrade work?

  1. The platform was designed to allow us to trade within the Tron blockchain.
  2. We can participate in trading events.
  3. We may work from our wallet directly without a registration.

What can you buy on TronTrade?

We can buy any TRC10 and TRC20 coins within the platform functionality.

Is TronTrade safe?

Yes. The platform looks safe and secure.

TronTrade fees, compatible wallets, and transactions  

  • The trading fees are 0.2% of the traded volumes for makers and takers.
  • We can work with all TRON compatible wallets: GuildWallet, Tronlink, GuildChat, Klever, or Vision.
  • The transactions usually proceed without delays.

What are the ways to trade on TronTrade?

We have to connect our wallet and trade. There’s nothing special.

Customer support

The developers provide 24/7 support via Telegram.

Should you buy a TronTrade token?

TronTrade summary

TronTrade summary
0 100 0 1
The platform provides us with the possibility of trading any TRC-10 and TRC-20 coins with low fees. The system is built around the TRON blockchain. The devs allow us to work through five wallets: GuildWallet, Tronlink, GuildChat, Klever, or Vision. The commissions are 0.2% of traded volumes. So, to trade with this DEX or not to trade is up to you.
The platform provides us with the possibility of trading any TRC-10 and TRC-20 coins with low fees. The system is built around the TRON blockchain. The devs allow us to work through five wallets: GuildWallet, Tronlink, GuildChat, Klever, or Vision. The commissions are 0.2% of traded volumes. So, to trade with this DEX or not to trade is up to you.


  • We can trade any TRON supported token


  • No team revealed
  • A short list of wallets that can be connected
  • No people testimonials provided
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