The Graph (GRT)

Rank #3119
$0.0728 0.87%
Market Cap $0.00000000
Trading Volume $1,638,779
Volume / Market Cap
Total Supply 16,180 GRT
Max Supply
no data available for comparison

The Graph is currently trading at $0.0728, after a price change of 0.87% in the last 24 hours.

Ranked as cryptocurrency #3119 by capitalization today, GRT market cap is valued at $0.00000000. GRT trading volume reached $1,638,779 in the last 24 hours. We track cryptocurrency data live in real-time. Make your own forecast on GRT coin price prediction page.

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What is The Graph?

The Graph is open-source software that makes it possible for all users to access data. Introduced in 2018 by Brandon Ramirez, Jannis Pohlmann, and Yaniv Tal,  it was initially built on the Ethereum network. The main objective of this protocol is to allow users to enhance the efficiency of their applications using appropriate data. GRT is the native token of this platform.

Using simplified queries, users can look for any Etehreum-based information in this system. For indexing operations, it uses subgraphs that hold data about information mapping, blockchain events, and smart contracts. The data flow runs on a specified pattern, where the information required is added to the chain by decentralized apps via smart contracts. It is the function of the Graph Node to monitor the database, obtain new information, and conduct filtering operations.

The network follows a proof-of-stake model, and GRT tokens cannot be mined. Network delegators pledge their coins and delegate them to indexers. These individuals are compensated with tokens and their job is to make sure the network remains safe and operational.