Rank #240 xyo.network
$0.006773 32.49%
Market Cap $87,013,951
Trading Volume $12,142,594
Volume / Market Cap 0.1395
Total Supply 13,960,974,963 XYO
Max Supply
no data available for comparison

XYO is currently trading at $0.006773, after a price change of 32.49% in the last 24 hours.

Ranked as cryptocurrency #240 by capitalization today, XYO market cap is valued at $87,013,951. XYO trading volume reached $12,142,594 in the last 24 hours. We track cryptocurrency data live in real-time. Make your own forecast on XYO coin price prediction page.

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What is XYO Network?

XYO Network is an oracle platform for a blockchain-focused internet of things built to implement smart contracts via geo-location confirmations. The protocol architecture comprises four components; Sentinels, Bridges, Archivists, and Diviners. Sentinels collect the location information through sensors, while Bridges transfer data to the Archivists. The data is then stored by Archivists for the Diviners to analyze. 

XY’s Oracle applies the proof-of-origin, a set of zero-knowledge proofs,  and Bound Witnesses to verify transactions on its protocol. The token is an ERC20 standardized asset powering XYO Network. There are currently 12.84 billion circulating XYO tokens from an uncapped supply of 13,960,974,963. 

XYO token sale occurred between March and May 2018, where 14,198,847,000 tokens were distributed and the remaining burned. From the total supply, 2,871,068,696.85 were set for a crypto-economic reserve for incentives towards network development. 5 billion tokens were then allocated to the Gamma pool for a public sale. 659,855,226.56 were sold, and 4,340,144,773.44 remained in the pool. A founding holding address has 340,144,773.44 XYO tokens set to be staked in the next five years and can be accessed from the FHR addresses afterward. Arie Trouw is the founder and CTO at XYO.