Elastos (ELA)

Rank #595 elastos.info
$0.86 0.51%
Market Cap $17,503,810
Trading Volume $187,435
Volume / Market Cap 0.0107
Total Supply 24,940,212 ELA
Max Supply 28,220,000 ELA
no data available for comparison

Elastos is currently trading at $0.86, after a price change of 0.51% in the last 24 hours.

Ranked as cryptocurrency #595 by capitalization today, ELA market cap is valued at $17,503,810. ELA trading volume reached $187,435 in the last 24 hours. We track cryptocurrency data live in real-time. Make your own forecast on ELA coin price prediction page.

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What is Elastos?

Elastos is an open-source protocol that aims to create a blockchain-based internet where users can manage digital assets. The platform makes digital assets like games, movies, and published materials scarce and tradable. Elastos is secured with blockchain IDs and encryptions to track the ownership of the assets. The system enables content producers to know the number of times their content is viewed in the ecosystem.

The platform hosts decentralized applications that work in a P2P set-up. Users can connect to the decentralized applications with mobile devices. With Elastos, all the DApps are built on Smart Web, and a user need not access the internet to get to the assets. Smart Web is created to guard against malware attacks and security breaches. Elastos runtime allows users to operate DApps out of the system’s operating system while the carrier enables resource providers to rent out computing power and storage.

ELA is the native token to the Elastos network. There are 20,324,060.94 tokens from a total supply of 24,915,811 and a maximum of 28,220,000.

Rong Chen and Feng Han lead the team behind Ealstos. Elastos was created in 2000.