DigiByte (DGB)

Rank #146 digibyte.org
$0.009459 6.32%
Market Cap $150,866,335
Trading Volume $5,424,170
Volume / Market Cap 0.0360
Total Supply 15,940,774,728 DGB
Max Supply 21,000,000,000 DGB
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DigiByte is currently trading at $0.009459, after a price change of 6.32% in the last 24 hours.

Ranked as cryptocurrency #146 by capitalization today, DGB market cap is valued at $150,866,335. DGB trading volume reached $5,424,170 in the last 24 hours. We track cryptocurrency data live in real-time. Make your own forecast on DGB coin price prediction page.

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What is DigiByte?

DigiByte is a decentralized UTXO blockchain for the minting of digital assets. The platform is segregated into a smart contract layer, a public digital ledger, and a network of nodes transmitting transaction data. The platform is an autonomous proof-of-work-enabled protocol.

DigiByte secures its network with the Odocrypt algorithm and SegWit consensus. Odocrypt is a mining technology that rewrites and morphs itself every ten days to mitigate ASIC dominance with the use of FPGA mining. The protocol leverages five distinct algorithms to enhance speed, security, and augment capabilities. The protocol decentralization is achieved via on-chain scaling and training on the essence of operating a full node and implementing code contributions. The protocol’s DigiSpeed seeks to solve scalability challenges in the PoW consensus.

DGB is the token powering DigiByte. There are 14.98 billion DGB from a total supply of 14,977,421,326 and a maximum supply of 21 billion coins. Half of the pre-mined tokens are reserved for network advancement. The governance model of DigiByte is operated openly, and the DGB is used to reward miners for validating transactions.

Jared Tate founded DigiByte in 2014 as a fork of Bitcoin.