Ether Overtakes Bitcoin, Strength Likely to Continue in 2022

Ether Overtakes Bitcoin

Ether outperformed Bitcoin this year and is likely to do so in the coming year, as the world’s biggest digital token suffered from volatility.

On the other hand, Ether has posted gains from the adoption of blockchain by technology firms, along with the growing popularity of non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Compared with Bitcoin, Ether has hit levels last seen in 2018.

Based on a logarithmic scale of Bitcoin’s performance in the past five years against the dollar, Bitcoin has largely traded sideways following the peak recorded in the latter part of 2017.

Bitcoin has suffered from the volatility linked to Presidential elections, along with the risks following the release of the first COVID-19 vaccine released in November 2020.

Coinlist Chief Executive Officer Graham Jenkin touted the benefits of blockchain technology as a new way to build, distribute, and run.

Source: Bloomberg