Ubeswap Decentralized Exchange Review

Ubeswap Decentralized Exchange

Ubeswap is a decentralized exchange that increases liquidity on Celo. Launched in February 2021, the platform aims to provide clearing free executing orders that raises trading speed significantly. They seek the best liquidity providers to increase the service quality. We can work with the platform directly from our wallet without providing any intel. There’s functional like swapping coins, stacking, farming, and so on. We can provide liquidity to Ubeswap via coin pools. So, we can earn trading fees based on the price variety between two tokens. 

Ubeswap overview

Let’s talk about platform functionality and features.

How does Ubeswap work?

There are following pools:

We may note that APY varies in a big way.

What can you buy on Ubeswap?

We can swap any token via the service functionality. There are transaction options like: slippage tolerance from 0.1% to 1%, transaction deadline in minutes, expert mode, disable multi hops, use minimum approval, disable smart routing, and allow Mool withdrawal.

Is Ubeswap safe?

Yes. The platform looks pretty safe especially because they don’t require us to register on it. All we need is to connect our wallet.

Ubeswap fees, compatible wallets, and transactions  

What are the ways to trade on Ubeswap?

We can swap and trade tokens within the platform functionality. UBE can be traded on Binance, Coingecko. 

Customer support

The devs provide support only within Discord functionality within 5-8 hours.

Should you buy a Ubeswap token?