TetuSwap Decentralized Exchange Review

TetuSwap Decentralized Exchange Review

TetuSwap is a a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange designed to run on the Polygon blockchain. It executes automated yield farming strategies, offering investors a safe technique for obtaining steady and high yields on their investments. The ecosystem is guided by 3 principles, namely income generation, tokenization of revenue, and value of yield. 

TetuSwap overview

This exchange platform is packed with a lot of features. We have summed up some of them below:

xTETU, which is the profit-sharing mechanism of Tetu, is the core pillar of the whole ecosystem and offers a brilliant yield management and capital allocation experience. 

Tetu isn’t a complicated platform, so your interactions with it will be very simple. In fact, by utilizing the Zapping function, you can enter and exit vaults effortlessly, facilitating the whole yield farming process. You will also save a lot of time that you would have spent carrying out numerous transactions to enter a vault. 

The Diamond vault-dxTETU allows users to govern the protocol and take part in decisions that will dictate how the project operates in the future. Even better, being part of the governance process will earn you a higher yield via dxTETU.

The development team is said to be attentive to the feedback the community gives and ensures that excellent ideas that can potentially generate good yield are developed and executed.  

How does TetuSwap work?

TetuSwap allows you to do the following: 

What can you buy on TetuSwap?

Here is a list of the digital assets you can use to conduct transactions on the DEX:

Is TetuSwap safe?

TetuSwap is said to be a safe exchange. In fact, it is labeled as one of the top 5 safest dApps on Polygon and one of the top 20 safest dApps in all of DeFi. Each new feature that is added to the exchange is rigorously tested prior to being released. Also, all critical actions are safeguarded by utilizing 3/4 Multisig. 

So far, two audits have been performed; one by PeckShield and the other by DefiYield. As such, the smart contracts are safe and work as they should. You can also rest easy knowing that TetuSwap cannot access your funds as they are tightly locked in your wallet.

TetuSwap fees, compatible wallets, and transactions

TetuSwap allows you to use these wallets: KEYRING PRO, WalletConnect, Coinbase Wallet, Ledger, Tokenary, Infinity Wallet, Wallet 3, KryptoGo, SecuX, Ambire, and RICE Wallet.

The DEX does not ask for deposit or withdrawal fees. However, it charges a 1% fee for the auto compound service in auto compound vaults. Also, TetuSwap charges 0.10% in trading fees all across the ecosystem, enabling it to accomplish the basic vision focused on income generation and value yield. The devs warn that 10% of these fees are automatically compounded and reinvested in the underlying LP vault. The remaining 90% is further divided by the Profit Share PS ratio and Profit Destination ratio into TETU buybacks, Investment funds, and Protocol Owned Liquidity. 

What are the ways to trade on TetuSwap?

These are the trading options available on TetuSwap:

You can create liquidity pools and earn money when other traders use them. In essence, you will be awarded a portion of the trading fees paid to the ecosystem. 

The platform allows for the swapping of crypto assets by paying one of the lowest swap fees charged by any DeFi. 

If you join farming, you will begin earning rewards immediately. You will be able to qualify to claim 100% of the rewards after 28 days. The distribution of rewards is done automatically through xTETU, which then generates income via Tetu buyback. 

Customer support

For customer support, join the company’s Telegram and Discord channels and contact the team with your questions. You will also meet other users here, and you can leverage their experiences to learn more about the product. Using email to get in touch with the support agents is another alternative available to you. Other means that you may use to access the Tetu community and get more support include Medium, Twitter, Task Tracker, YouTube, and Github. 

Should you trade with TetuSwap?