Honeyswap Decentralized Exchange Review

Honeyswap Decentralized Exchange Review

Honeyswap is a decentralized exchange that looks simplified. The developers hid from us the liquidity pool function if we don’t connect our wallet to it. So, we can’t simply overview pools profitability to be sure that they match our expectations. The Honeyswap belongs to the 1Hive group that manages all activities. So, Honey holders can vote for changes. 

Honeyswap overview

How does Honeyswap work?

What can you buy on Honeyswap?

We can swap any supported tokens quickly.

Is Honeyswap safe?

We can’t claim this for sure. The documents lack much information about safety and risks. The 1Hive group unites the following services under a single roof: Gardens, Celeste, Quest, Honeyswap, and Agave. Agave works under the Agave open source DeFi protocol.

Honeyswap fees, compatible wallets, and transactions  

What are the ways to trade on Honeyswap?

The only possible way to trade is to swap tokens.

Customer support

We can receive welcome and quick support in the next places: Github, Discord, Discourse, and Twitter.

Should you buy a Honeyswap token?