LINK Tokens Surge Over 10% on Chainlink’s Staking Roadmap Release

LINK Tokens Surge Over

Chainlink’s LINK tokens have jumped 12% to trade at about $8.4 after the blockchain released its staking-focused Chainlink Economics 2.0 roadmap.

The staking of LINK tokens will reportedly enable the nodes to receive tasks and earn fees in return in the network.

The team has announced that the roll-out of the staking model will be gradual, with the initial v0.1 release expected later in the year. Scheduled upgrades to v1 and V2 are underway to enhance functionality.

The roadmap has outlined that the primary aim of token staking is to boost the platform’s security and the assurances of Chainlink oracle services.

Chainlink adds that the incentives and penalties, including the slashing feature, will enable the nodes to develop accurate oracle reports and deliver on time.

The staking is also aimed at allowing users to have sustainable rewards and to encourage community participation and involvement.

Source: Chainlink