Fidelity Recommends BTC to Investors, Terming It ‘Superior Money’

Fidelity Recommends BTC

Fidelity Digital Assets urges new cryptocurrency investors to consider bitcoin since it is a superior form of money much ahead of its counterparts.

The company report points out that other digital assets should be appraised on different aspects for new investors getting into the industry.

FDA adds that bitcoin remains an ideal monetary good and a store of value over its time in existence, despite at times not being considered as a better means of payment.

Fidelity also maintains that the fundamentals of BTC are distinct in that nobody can improve on it as a monetary good. The company adds that the decentralized nature of the token counters any such alterations.

Fidelity Digital Assets is the digital segment of Fidelity Investments. The firm aims to onboard traditional financial institutions into the sector.

Fidelity unveiled a spot Bitcoin ETF in Canada back in November and has recently announced that it would have a portion of its BTC ETF on its two major largest funds.

Source: Fidelity Digital Assets