Decentralized Social Platform Project Liberty Launches on Polkadot

Decentralized Social Platform

Decentralized social networking platform Project Liberty has launched on Polkadot to decentralize the internet and place it in the control of the users.

The head of public affairs at Parity Technologies says that Project Liberty is expected to launch as a standard parachain on Polkadot initially.

The developers of DSNP Braxton Woodham says that Polkadot’s features are adaptable for social networking in terms of scaling, cost reduction, and low-cost volatility.

Woodham adds that a token associated with Project Liberty was underway, and details were to follow later. The executives say that the token will enable stable bandwidth resource management for messaging and scalable social media.

Real Estate investor Frank McCourt pledged $100 million in 2021 to address the challenges in social media networks, including privacy and regulations in Project Liberty.

Source: Coindesk