Bored Ape Yacht Club Official Discord Hit by Phishing Attacks

Bored Ape Yacht Club

Bored Ape Yacht Club discord server has been hacked with a phishing link in the Mutant Ape Kennel Club channel, causing a loss of one of the collectibles.

PeckShield confirms that the phishing link was set as ‘stealth NFT mint,’ and the stolen collectible was Mutant Ape Yacht Club #8662.

The BAYC developers say that the issue was instantly caught, urging users not to mint any NFT through the link posted on Discord. 

The security violations are thought to have been executed through Ticket Tool, a Discord bot that generates support tickets.

The news also coincides with another incident reported by users on the Discord server of NFT collection Doodles, which its team has not yet confirmed. BAYC team cautions users of similar attacks in other discords. 

Discord attacks have been a common approach that hackers use to launch phishing on the NFTs collectors. NTF Collection Rare Bears recently claimed that one of its users lost more than $790,000 in assets.

Source: Twitter