AMC Theaters to add Shiba Inu in its Crypto Payment Options

AMC Theaters to add Shiba Inu

AMC Entertainment CEO Adam Aron says that the company’s theatres will add Shiba Inu to its current crypto payment list.

Aron hinted that the firm was working with third parties on how to achieve the goal. He added that AMC’s own cryptocurrency is also underway.

The company is reportedly exploring partnerships with various Hollywood studios to create NFTs of blockbuster film titles.

Last month, AMC holdings announced that its customers could use Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum in purchasing certain items. It added Dogecoin sooner after the meme token gained popularity and announced that it was preparing to accept it at the beginning of next year.

AMC seems to have bowed to pressure from its customers amid a faster adoption of digital currencies. Aron maintains that the crypto talk was in the initial stage and dependent on many regulatory factors.

Source: Adam Aron Twitter